Membership is open to all individuals engaged in public interest environmental law reform and advocacy in Central and Eastern Europe and Eurasia.
Conditions of membership are activity- and mission-related. Anyone interested and involved in practical and theoretical public interest environmental law issues in one or more countries in the region may join, without regard to citizenship, seat, or residence. We encourage not only practicing environmental advocates, but also law students and even non-lawyers.
According to our Charter, any member of the Association may nominate a candidate for membership in a written note sent to the entire membership at least 60 days before the forthcoming General Assembly meeting.
Members are entitled to participate in the annual meeting of the General Assembly and conference, to elect and to be elected as the Executive Director and Board of Advisors of the Association and to cast votes as members of the General Assembly in person or in proxy, to receive the Association’s communications and/or newsletter and to participate in any other activities of the Association. Voting shall be conducted on a one vote per individual basis.
Members serve in their individual capacity. They have the responsibility to provide the Association’s Executive Director with their updated contact information.